

The Action LIFT has grants for funding Action participants to gain experience abroad and to attend conferences

Grants are awarded based on the number of applications and the quality of the applications, while taking into account the career status, geographical background and gender of the applicant in order to have a fair, transparent and inclusive selection of awardees.

Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM)

STSMs are exchange visits to a host organization located in a different country than the applicant’s country of affiliation. It is aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration between researchers. The objectives are to enhance networks, increase collaboration, sharing expertise or equipment and gaining new skills. STSM Grantees have the opportunity to broaden their network and gain new skills, while STSM hosts benefit from international collaboration. The Grantee receives funding in line with the COST regulations for STSMs.

* Open for applications until October 2023 *

Conference Attendance Grants

Conference Grants are aimed at supporting young researchers (including PhD students) and/or innovators (age below 40) from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organized by the COST Action.

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LIFT welfare fields
Get to know all awardees, their names, affiliation and information about the grant, including the final report.
LIFT welfare animals
Applications are now open for STSMs between July 1st 2023 and October 31st 2023. STSMs within LIFT have...