Indicators of positive animal welfare in horses

Indicators of positive animal welfare in horses

Elena Gobbo, from the University of Ljubljana’s Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science in Slovenia, recently a STSM at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Milan, Italy, from May 13th to May 23rd, 2024. The goal of her research was to explore whether lying behaviour in horses can serve as an indicator of positive animal welfare, utilizing accelerometers for data collection.

During her stay, she engaged with horses in a research setting, aiming to master the AWIN protocol for welfare assessment. The data collection is ongoing, but already the STSM experience has enriched her professional network and opened doors for future collaborations. Elena expressed deep gratitude towards her host, Emanuela Dalla Costa, and the department for their warm hospitality and comprehensive involvement. This STSM has significantly contributed to her career, fostering a collaborative research effort between Slovenia and Italy that promises insightful findings on horses’ positive welfare by integrating multiple animal-based indicators measured through various techniques.

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