Thirteen members attended the WG1 in Prague on June 10-11th, 2024, organized by Marek Spinka as local organizer (and a wonderful host) and Jean-Loup Rault as scientific organizer. On the first day, the group discussed progress of each sub-WG from WG1, complementarity and overlaps between sub-WGs, tips on what worked well and difficulties experienced managing the sub-WG.
On the second day, the group brainstormed how to encourage interdisciplinarity and future activities such as new sub-WG topics, STSMs, training school, and other ideas. The two days were interspersed with presentations, from Irene Camerlink on communication and publishing, from Vojtěch Hladký providing an interdisciplinary perspective on the “Ancient history of acknowledging „soul“ to non-human animals”, from Lisa Dickel on the use of Google Docs and Zotero reference manager, and from Laura Whalin reporting on the results from the most recent WG1 member survey on progress, functioning and ideas for WG1, leading to a 2-day diverse program with long days and discussion opening up ideas for future WG1 progress and activity.
Some of these presentations will be made available on the member’s area of the website.