WG4 meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

WG4 meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

A small in-person WG4 meeting was held on the 16th of August 2024 in Zurich, Switzerland. The objective of the meeting was to make progress with various tasks that have been suggested or initiated but not yet completed. The meeting was warmly hosted by Sébastien Goumon at ETH Zurich and was organised by WG4 leader Irene Camerlink.

Invited participants (6 people from 6 countries) were the sub working group leaders from 4.1 social media, 4.2 website, and 4.3 conference and training, to accomplish the pending tasks. These tasks included the script for animation videos, the ideas and the list of pre-scheduled social media posts, LIFT branding guidelines (e.g., template for PPT slides and Word documents), infographics to explain LIFT project for stakeholders, a photo gallery of the past LIFT events on the Member’s Area on the website, and a support guideline for future LIFT event organisers to follow.

All the participants were allocated with task(s) and worked either by their own or in pair during the day, with Irene following up on each group frequently to smooth the tasks. During the morning break, Sébastien brought us to ETH’s own rooftop restaurant to enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view of old town Zurich and the surrounding cityscape.

The day was wrapped up with a big accomplishment of all the most urgent and important tasks, thanks to the lovely chocolate cake (the special fuel)! Finally, Irene mentioned some upcoming tasks and brought up some scientific ideas that WG4 could do in the near future.

After a hard-working day, Sébastien took us for a nice stroll along River Limmat and the old town, and we concluded our night in a popular Swiss traditional restaurant. The restaurant welcomed us with a nice creamy and buttery smell, as it is famous for their cheese fondues. Another social event was followed up the next day, which was a Lake Zurich cruise and visit to a café where we continued discussions on positive animal welfare.

Many interesting work tasks regarding communication and knowledge transfer for WG4 were either brought up or brainstormed during the social events. One of which is the translation of positive animal welfare and its definition into different languages. It is indeed a challenge considering the cultural and societal aspects of a country, and a matter of selecting the most accurate or the closest meaning with the English word. This will surely become one of the exciting challenges in WG4.

Watch a short video of the meeting here:

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